Club station was opened under supervision of Petroleum College named by AziAslanov and has two small rooms on roof floor of 4store building of college. That was in 1982. In 1990 club station UK7DWZ moved to new one store building where it was possible to open small museum dedicated to general AziAslanov- tank division commander on Stalingrad Front during World War 2 and erect military-type tower with triband cubical quard. Using equipment - uw3di transceiver with tri GU50 pentode tubes in parallel amplifier,producing 300 watts on 50 Ohm load. There is also old used power transmitting block which has GU81 glass tube capable to produce 1Kwt output power from standart 50-100W transceiver.
Clubs used call-signs are:
4K7DWZ, 4K53V, 4K54V, 4K55V,4K56V,4J1S, 4K80ADR, 4K7Z
Chairman of club Mr Josef Raikhshtain 4K6GF, in air from 1956