CQ-CQ-CQ This is four kilo seven zulu from Baku Azerbaijan
You are cordially invited on official site of 4k7z (former 4k7dwz)
This is local radioamateurs club named by Azerbaijan Hero of Second
World WarII -general AziAslanov
Club has very rich museum containing documents about history of radio in Azerbaijan, Radioamateurs activity in early years of last century, some
communication equipment of those days and much more which is very interested for those who like radio.
After perestroyka some members for different reasons found themselves in different countries but they dont forget city where they became radioamateurs and after getting license in new QTH always try to make their first QSO with Baku ,especially with club station 4k7z.
The chairman of club Josef Raikhshtain 4K6GF (former ud6gf) devoted his life to that club and is very known among radiohams of CIF.
Josef is also co-chairman of Veterans Club of CIF. He suggested to all of us, acting and ex ud6-radioamateurs,and those who has sympathy to Baku get together on sundays on 14.145khz at 07-00 GMT for short exchange of news and greetings. And this "Round Table" is acting almost 3 years.
So if you have couple free minutes on sundays you are welcomed.